HeChinese Software On Windows


一. HeMa_Installer.exe

Click and Download:


Double click to run the HeMaInstaller.exe.

There are several install options, if you do not know the option meaning, just keep the default setting.

HeMaInstaller.exe installs following two applications for you.

1. HeChinese(HeMa) Training

It is HeChinese self-training application.

2. HeChinese(HeMa) Input Method

After installation, HeChinese Input Method will be registed as system input method, and you can use it by select it from system input method list.

HeChinese can input 21,003 Chinese words(daily used words only 3,500), and 180,000 phrases.

HeChinese Input Method has many features such as PinYin prompt, search word by PinYin, linked input, HeEnglish input.

Input throught main keyboard or numpad.